Always the daring one, I once again started FLYing. Yes dear readers, the Domestic Goddess suffers from a chronic case of CHAOS (can't have anyone over syndrome). Oh, how I wish I had made that up. Alas, no. |
What's so different about my day? Nothing -- and everything. -- Let's skip over the fact that I danced around in the kitchen when I opened the box containing the toilet cleaner I ordered.
I am noticing a change in myself. Getting up at 6am (note: I am not a morning person), make bed, shower, wipe down shower, get dressed and put on my shoes (hate shoes, but hey, it's working), worship the coffee pot, wake Diva for school, make breakfast, turn on the dishwasher, wipe down the bathroom and sigh as I wash yet another toothpaste glob down the drain, dash out to drive Diva to school, empty dishwasher, laundry, laundry, laundry, prep dinner, zone clean, work on getting rid of things I no longer feel the world would end if I part with, dash out to pick up Diva from school, help her with her homework, cook/serve dinner, shine my sink.
THAT doesn't look so bad? I'm not chained to the appliances, I can sit down when I want to, I can have a conversation with the outside world. Check email, facebook, play games...
1 comment:
Cogratulations! I hope you're still going strong.
And even if you fall off, you know it's always there to stand back up and start with a shiny sink. I started FLYing 9 years ago. I had two kids, and fell off the wagon. But even when I wasn't doing anything else, I made my bed, and put my shoes on, and shined my bathroom sink. Flylady sounds in my head when I don't want to clean something, or when it's just so overwhelming. And little by little, without even noticing, I was really FLYing-and those chores just got done.
Good for you for trying for the 900th and 98th time.
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