Thinking about life, the people in it, the people who are long gone, and those I need to reconnect with. I don't have many people I call friends, but the ones I have are true to the core.
Over coffee, I was talking to my friend who is going through a transformation. No, there is no surgery involved, not that kind of transformation. *giggle*
Ahem... back to the serious sounding thinking voice...
For a while I have watched her get treated like a doormat by people who call themselves her friend. Friends don't set out to make you feel like something you step in just to make themselves feel better about their failing life. Friends don't try to belittle your achievements. Friends will not only stand beside you while you are reaching for the stars, they will toss you on their shoulders so you can be that much closer.
There comes a time to break free from the "ticks" in your life, those who do nothing but slowly and steadily suck away at your life, energy, sanity.
Sometimes the reason is to make you stronger.